Friday, December 5, 2008,

Hello and welcome this blog ..
well I'm glad that you came and drop by..

As and introduction,
I want to introduce this blog
as one of the place where you can simply find
your korean or japanese songs..

I know,it will be hard at first,
but I had a good feeling about it..
so don't shy to comment,ask
or give some oipinion to
improvise this blog..

Last but not least..
I hope everyone will be happy
while downloading song from this blog..
and I hope could make your song search much easier..

Let's be happy everyone...

Owner of the blog;

"Happiness is not so much in having as sharing,
We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give"

- Norman Macewan-

3:35 PM

Hi I'm Aqilah..
from Malaysia..
19 Years Old..

Love to hear good music..
So I decide to share this blog with other music lovers..

Any request for song?
Email me at :

Aqila Notes:#1
Do put credits whenever you
bring the mp3 url out..thanks!!~

Aqila Notes:#2
If you find any links were
don't hesitate to tell me

This site is meant to provide links to
albums and songs for promotional
and preview propose only.And SHALL
not be used as replacement for
the actual product.


Thanks for dropping by!!!

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